
 Stellar Lawn Care’s Turf Tips


Turf Tips

Discover Stellar Lawn Care’s comprehensive Turf Tips, your ultimate guide to achieving a vibrant and sustainable lawn. Dive into expert advice on organic lawn care, innovative turf health techniques, and smart irrigation strategies tailored for homeowners in Evansville, Indiana. Our page offers in-depth insights into eco-friendly maintenance, drought-resistant grass varieties, and professional landscaping tips. Stay ahead with the latest in cutting-edge turf technology, seasonal lawn care trends, and natural lawn enhancement methods. Perfect for eco-conscious gardeners and lawn enthusiasts seeking practical, environmentally responsible solutions. Visit us now for transformative lawn care tips that combine expertise with sustainability!

Homeowners often overlook problems associated with soil compaction. Soil compaction can severely restrict turfgrass growth and can arise in lawns from a variety of events. Traffic over a lawn or specific areas of a lawn is probably the leading factor in soil compaction. This traffic includes human activity, pet runs, or vehicular movement. Soils can also become compacted during residential or commercial construction processes due to the movement of heavy equipment on the lawn. Another source of compaction is heavy precipitation events. Soil compaction is a major contributing factor in turfgrass decline[…]

Don't Raise The Mowing Height During Drought

Typical advice in the paper and TV is to raise the mowing height during drought to help the turf area stay green. However, this is very simplified advice which needs clarification. Here are some well-researched facts[…]

We’ll show you how to mow your lawn safely with 8 time-tested mowing tips that will strengthen and fortify your lawn[…]

How to Plant Grass Seed

Learn how to plant grass seed and ensure a lush, green lawn. Discover planting tips and how to select the best grass seed[…]

How to Sharpen Mower Blades

Learn how to sharpen your lawn mower blades correctly in just 9 steps to give your grass a healthy, clean cut.

How to Stripe Your Lawn

Lawn stripes provide various benefits for your grass. Find out how to stripe your lawn and make your neighbors green with envy[…]

Keep Mowing To Mulch Those Tree Leaves

The trees are dropping their leaves and it is important to prevent a heavy layer of leaves from building-up on your turf before winter.  Heavy layers of tree leaves will shade the grass can smother and kill grass yet this fall.  Plus tree leaf cover favors a damaging winter turf disease called snow mold.  The […]

Thatch in lawns is often misunderstood; both its cause and control. Some lawns have serious thatch problems while others do not. Thatch is a layer of living and dead organic matter that occurs between the green matter and the soil surface […]

These small subterranean, tunnel-making  pests can cause big frustrations for those managing turfgrass and landscapes.  Mole damage is most noticeable during the spring and fall, but spring may be the most effective time to control them[…]

Consult with your equipment’s user manual before performing maintenance or operating. Following are commonly recommended practices that may assist in the upkeep of your lawn care equipment. The following recommendations are for homeowner mowers with light to moderate use throughout the year. Your use of your mower may differ and require additional maintenance activities […]

Mowing Wet Grass

With the rainy weather lately, it is inevitable that you will have to mow when it is wet. Though we much prefer to mow when the grass is dry, it is better to mow when wet rather than waiting until the grass is dry but grown to 8 inches tall. A couple of pointers for […]

Below is a table for the optimum mowing heights for turfgrass species in Indiana. The optimum mowing height is where the particular species will perform best, creating the thickest turf, and requiring the fewest inputs. Mowing above these heights will tend to create a less dense turf with coarser leaf blades, and potentially a puffy […]

Seedheads Make For Tough Mowing

Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass are now producing seedheads. This natural phenomenon is induced by daylength and occurs every spring. Seedheads detract from the appearance of a turf because they grow quickly and unevenly and the tough seed stalks do not cut cleanly except with the sharpest of mower blades. After mowing, the […]

Spring Mowing

Though lawns in southern Indiana may have already been mowed a couple of times, mowing is just starting from Indianapolis north.  Mowing is the most expensive and laborious maintenance practice on turf, but it also has the largest effect on long-term performance: It is better to mow too early rather than too late in the […]

Summer Stress

Part I: Too hot: Why some turfgrass species look poor in summer. There are multiple causes for turf decline in the summer. Cool-season turf areas can decline in the summer because of high temperatures, drought, pest damage (insects, diseases, weeds, others), and due to mismanagement. The general symptoms for many of these causes are usually […]

Turf Dead Or Alive


Many areas in Indiana have received recent rains to their lawns. Some lawns have greened-up and others are still brown leaving many wondering whether their lawns are dead or alive. Below are some images that illustrate the process of determining whether or not your lawn is dead or alive. Step 1. In an area of […]



Voles are among the most important vertebrate pests in turf areas. Unfortunately the name ‘vole’ is very close to the name ‘mole’ causing some confusion and miscommunication. Even though both can damage turfgrass – the differences between voles and moles is vast, and it is important to understand that they are not related[…]

Cool-season lawn grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescues, vary in the amount of water needed for good growth. Factors such as the soil, weather, and management practices all have a role in the water needs of lawns. In general, about one to 1.5 inches of water per week is needed to maintain green color and active growth. Cool-season grasses naturally slow their growth and may go dormant in hot weather […]

What To Do With All Those Falling Leaves

It is that time of year when leaves are falling faster than you can rake them in many places. It is important to rake leaves when there are many leaves on the ground (so many that you can’t see the turf underneath) so that heavy layers of leaves will not shade out, smother, and kill […]