
Lawn Disease Identification

Lawn disease identification can be a major concern for homeowners and gardeners alike. Understanding the signs and symptoms of common lawn disease identification is crucial for early detection and effective treatment. In this section, we delve into various lawn diseases, including rust diseases, fungal infections, and pest-related damages. 

Brown Patch disease is a hot weather disease that can occur on all types of turf. Stellar Lawn Care can help combat this common lawn disease[…]

Dollar spot is caused by a fungal pathogen, Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, that blights leaf tissues but does not affect turfgrass roots or crowns. The disease is a common concern on golf course turf, especially creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass greens, tees, and fairways, where it can result in poor turf quality and appearance. Dollar spot is one […]

Fairy Ring

 Fairy Ring disease is recognized in early summer by the appearance of dark green, circular bands in the lawn. Most of the time, Fairy Ring forms in a circular pattern, but it’s also common to see an unformed circle. Bands can vary in width from 4-12 inches, and rings can vary in diameter up to 50 yards. During periods of wet weather, mushrooms and toadstools may rise along the circumference of the rings.

Summer patch and necrotic ring spot are root-infecting diseases in Kentucky bluegrass lawns.  Their symptoms are some of the most difficult to manage, much less control the disease. Although these diseases differ slightly in when they attack the roots, the pathogens generally are active in the late spring to early summer.  Infection-impaired roots have a […]

Pythium is a parasitic form of plant life called fungi. Learn the symptoms of Pythium and how to control it here[…]

Red Thread is a troublesome disease that infects lawns across the country[…]

Rust is a disease of taller mown turf. Outbreaks are most common on residential lawns, low budget athletic fields, and, occasionally, on golf course roughs. A variety of related fungi cause rust. Ccommon names include leaf rust, crown rust, and stem rust, and the disease occurs almost exclusively on Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass. Rust […]

Melting snows revealed some significant snow mold damage.  As you know there are two types of snow mold diseases, gray snow mold (aka Typhula blight) and pink snow mold (Microdochium patch).  Although they create similar symptoms (circular patches of tan turf—sometimes with orange/brown margins) the pathogens are not closely related and they have different temperature requirements for infection.  […]

Summer Patch

 Summer Patch is a disease that affects cool-season grasses, such as Kentucky Bluegrass, Tall Fescue, and Fine Fescue. As the name suggests, it typically occurs during the hot and humid summer months, particularly in areas with poor soil drainage or heavy thatch buildup. Symptoms include yellowing and browning grass with patches of dead or dying turf. These patches may be circular or irregular in shape and can range in size from a few inches to several feet in diameter[…]

Summer Stress With a warm and wet summer, we are experiencing decline in some of our turf around the state due to temperatures, disease, insects, and weeds. In response, we are publishing a four part series on this topic to help turfgrass managers respond. Look forward to the following topics over the next two weeks. […]

Yellow patch, also referred to as cool season brown patch, is caused by Rhizoctonia cerealis, a fungus closely related to the pathogens that cause brown patch and the Rhizoctonia large patch of zoysia grass. Although symptoms can be striking, yellow patch causes only cosmetic damage and does not affect playability. It occurs most often on creeping […]