Field Paspalum
Field Paspalum
Field paspalum (Paspalum laeve Michx.) is a warm-season perennial weed with short rhizomes similar to dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.). Much of the below Weed of the Month entry comes from research conducted in Indiana on how to control Field Paspalum.This perennial weed is a wide-bladed warm-season perennial turfgrass that becomes easily visible in mid-summer. Additionally it can have either dark green or yellow green foliage. It is found in cool-season and warm-season turf. It has a short rhizomes near the soil surface but spreads primarily by seed.
Cultural control
Biological control
Chemical control
Spot treating with the nonselective herbicide glyphosate (found in products like Roundup) is another effective method against weeds. Glyphosate requires at least two applications: the first when the plant greens in spring (late April or May), and a second upon regrowth. Additional applications might be necessary. Dallisgrass and field paspalum can also be sprayed in October, before they change color for winter dormancy, using a 1-2% glyphosate solution (1.3-2.6 fl oz per gallon of water).
Be cautious with glyphosate, as it will kill desirable grass, potentially leaving brown spots. To minimize damage, apply glyphosate directly to the weeds, avoiding the turf. Tools like paintbrushes, sponges, or foam applicators are helpful for precise application.
In lawns with Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, or perennial ryegrass, applying mesotrione (Tenacity) at 5 oz/A with a two-week interval between three applications, starting in June, can reduce dallisgrass and field paspalum by over 75%. For tall fescue, two applications of fluazifop (Fusilade II) at 5-6 oz/A, spaced three to four weeks apart starting in late-April and September, can suppress these weeds. Enhancing fluazifop with triclopyr (Turflon Ester Ultra or Triclopyr 4) at 1 qt/A improves safety for the turfgrass. Avoid using on tall fescue seedlings less than four weeks old.
Tribute TOTAL (thiencarbazone + foramsulfuron + halosulfuron) at 3.2 oz/A is also effective on dallisgrass in bermudagrass and zoysiagrass. Apply multiple times in late summer and early fall before winter dormancy, followed by a spring application.
In zoysiagrass, two summer applications of fluazifop (Fusilade II) at 3-4 oz/A, three to four weeks apart, will suppress field paspalum and dallisgrass. Adding triclopyr (Turflon Ester Ultra or Triclopyr 4) at 1 qt/A to fluazifop enhances turfgrass safety.